The UK Government in recent days has highlighted the increased threats and risks to the population due to Coronavirus. The devolved governments are now responding to this with greater levels of lockdown. It is very important therefore that we stand together with our community. Whilst the Northern Ireland Executive may revise its guidance today, Revd Jonny with the support of the Select Vestry has decided that it is best to voluntarily close our Sunday Services to physical attendance for the remainder of January, and ensure our people are kept safe in these difficult times.
Whilst the physical buildings are closed, the Church of God continues to witness the message of hope to our community. Please continue to pray for God’s wisdom to the staff and Select Vestry as they consider how to act in love across the parish as best we can in these times.
Services will continue online and via our phone line services every Wednesday evening and every Sunday. Timings for Small groups and young people’s groups restarting will be communicated via our website in the coming days.
Please contact David if you have any queries.