The Church of Ireland safeguarding policies and procedure applies to all clergy, staff and volunteers but especially those who have regular contact with children or adults who may be more at risk of harm or abuse because of their personal or life circumstances.
The Select Vestry and the Leadership Team treat the safety, care and wellbeing of all people that we have contact with of paramount importance. We therefore have in place policies and procedures which adhere to the guidelines outlined by the Church of Ireland.
The guidance applies to all aspects of ministry in the Church of Ireland whether within a church building or within parishioners’ homes. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Church of Ireland to ensure that children and adults at risk of harm due to their personal characteristics and/or life circumstances are not left at risk of abuse. Church organisations have a duty to promote the safety and welfare and thereby safeguard children and adults at risk.
For the latest Safeguarding Guidelines, please refer to the Church of Ireland website at
Child Safeguarding Panel Members
In line with Church of Ireland guidelines, the Select Vestry of the United Parish has established a Child Safeguarding Panel to oversee all aspects relating to the wellbeing of children. The members of the panel are Miss Ashleigh Reid, Mrs Pat Craig, and Revd Jonny Campbell-Smyth (Chair).
Should you have any concerns or queries regarding the safety of a child, please immediately contact the Safeguarding Panel. The panel may be contacted through Revd Jonny on 07808 479649 or email If however you have a safeguarding concern regarding any member of the panel, please contact Mrs Gillian Taylor, Church of Ireland Safeguarding Officer at
Important Child Safeguarding forms
The following forms support the Safeguarding processes within the parish. Physical copies of these are readily available in each church premise.
Child Safeguarding Policies
A number of policies have been agreed through the Select Vestry to guide and protect all those who have an interest in the care of young people. Should you wish to discuss these further, please contact the Parish Panel.
Guidance for leaders
Further to the Church Of Ireland Safeguarding guidelines, here is some additional guidance on frequently asked questions