The Pumpkin Project ” Let Your Light Shine” Matthew 5:16
Let’s spread some joy this autumn alongside a message of hope. Families are invited to take part in our pumpkin carving competition.
Step 1: Carve your pumpkin – something fun and joyful. Be as creative as you would like. (Get help from parents, it’s safest to use a pumpkin carving kit that can be bought from most supermarkets, Poundland, the Range etc)
Step 2: Put a light inside (share the pumpkin Gospel story with your children)
(battery fairy lights work really well, as do battery operated tea lights)
Step 3: Post a picture of your pumpkin to our dedicated page, see the picture below with your name/age, or if it was a family effort! Alternatively, email your picture along with your name, age and a contact number to dianne@theunitedparish
Step 4: Put your pumpkin outside your front door/in your garden for everyone to enjoy!
We hope you have fun and can’t wait to see your creations!