Are you aged 15-18? We are launching on Friday 24th September a new programme designed to encourage and develop young people’s leadership qualities whilst also helping them build firm foundations of faith. Tim & Leah Burns will be hosting this from their home in Straid, and will include dinner, teaching and chat. The programme will run for 10 weeks with a graduation at the end. Places are limited to 10 young people.
Central to the course is the idea of servant leadership, of using who we are and the gifts that God has given us to serve Him and people recognising that leadership is takes many forms and may often not meet our perception of what leadership is. There are four elements included in each session designed to build a sense of community and support, engagement with God and a deeper knowledge of who we are as people and leaders.
Communal Meal Served at the start of each session
Spiritual Discipline Time is given after the meal to practice an element of the disciplines.
Book Review Participants will be expected to read a chapter of the selected book prior to each session, at which a young person will lead a discussion on the chapter.
Teaching and Discussion This element allows the participants to explore spiritual, practical and personal aspects of Christian leadership through discussion and activities.
The entire cost for the course is £90, but this will be supplimented 2 ways, firstly through the Church and then also the Church of Ireland Youth Department, leaving the cost for participants at £20. The Church of Ireland Youth Department has a Young Leaders Development Fund which all participants should apply to. This would cover half the cost of the course. Participants can apply at this link:
If the cost is prohibitive, please do get in touch, we do not want anyone to miss out on this opportunity.