You can use WordPress’s content editor to create pages like this with text, photos, galleries, video, lists, links and stylized text.
You can also insert an entire gallery into your article that extends outward.
Blockquote Example
The content area is narrow for optimal readability (comfortable number of characters per line). Certain elements such as blockquotes and images can extend beyond the content area to create a dramatic effect. This demonstrates the effect.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.EPHESIANS 2:8-10
Do you see how the blockquote extends outward like the big photo?
Aligned Image
Let’s imagine the text wrapped around an image with a caption.
Let’s test an example link. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Omnes enim peccaverunt et egent gloriam Dei. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit.Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam.
List Example
- In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.
- Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit.
- Omnes enim peccaverunt et egent gloriam Dei.
Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.
WordPress lets you embed video, audio and other media directly into your content. You can also upload your own audio and video files to be embedded into your content. This theme adds responsive support for embeds so that they look nice on mobile devices.
Uploaded Video
This video was uploaded via WordPress.